I have a vacuum, a nice Kenmore -- and it cost me a lot more than nothing, so please don't say it doesn't exist (although the box WAS rather light on the way out of the store!)

gj.berg wrote:
There is a difference between zero and nothing. Zero is a stasis in a' something' that is the addition and subtraction of something.

Nothing on the other hand exists in no continuum -- because there is nothing there is no something to posit against it.

Nothing is philosophical -- it doesn't exist in our universe -- zero does exist or we have vacuums.

Jerry Berg

Mark D. Lew wrote:

At 12:22 AM 12/13/02, Cecil Rigby wrote:

Logically, one cannot "have," meaning "possess," the content of a null set.
An empty can is a container of emptiness. You may have the can, but not the
content. You can not divide what you cannot *have.*

Well said. I have nothing to add to this.


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