Thank you for the suggestion, Johannes. I had not tried giving Acrobat more 
memory. I noticed that it even says right there that Acrobat will need more 
memory unless virtual memory is turned on! I just never thought to do that.
Larry Beekman Guitar Studio

In a message dated 1/9/03 2:52:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< On 09.01.2003 2:05 Uhr, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

> I am on the same system as you (Mac 9.2) Andrew, except that I have an old
> Apple laser printer. I don't know if I have any help for you or not, but I
> have a similar situation. I haven't had any printing problems, but I found
> that I can't even access the Acrobat help files on Finale unless I turn
> virtual memory on. It acts like it is going to open, but won't. With virtual
> memory on, everything seems to work fine. I have 128k ram.
> Larry Beekman 

That sounds as though you could also solve the problem by giving Acrobat
Reader more memory. Have you tried this?

Johannes >>

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