If I were you I ąd invest 50 bucks in a 256 Mb RAM chip.
Then you could turn off VM forever...

And your hard disk will gain a couple of Mb free.
Javier Ruiz.

> I'm running MacFin 2003 on a G3 Mac computer, running system 8.6...In order
> to use my web browsers, I need to keep virtual memory on. Are there any
> problems I should know about if I run Finale while virtual memory is on?
> It's a slight inconvenience to shut VM off (means having to restart my
> computer), but it's not a major hassle.
> Thanks, on this VERY cold and windy day in upstate New York (BRRRRRRRRR)...
> Martin
> Martin Banner
> Monticello, New York
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 Javier Ruiz

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