On 11 Feb 2003 at 9:14, Michael Cook wrote:

> 1. create a staff style where "First Clef" is set to alto.
> 2 apply the style.
> ?
> When you apply the style to the first measure, the clef should change
> to alto. If it doesn't, maybe the staff has another clef chosen in
> "Set to Clef" in the Transposition part. Or maybe the staff style
> itself has another clef chosen in "Set to Clef".

I'm just wondering if you've actually tried this yourself? Does it 
actually work? I have *no* transpositions in effect and although I'm 
not 100% sure what you mean by the last sentence, I'm pretty sure it 
doesn't. No matter what boxes I check or uncheck in the define staff 
styles dialog, if the 'first clef' box - upper left - is set to *any* 
clef other than what the staff currently is, *NOTHING* happens when I 
apply the staff style. (As to all the other options in the define 
staff style dialog, I've left them in their default check-greyed 
except the transposition which I turned OFF  - no check at all). You 
would think that applying the staff style would change the staff to 
the desired clef. I haven't checked with Coda as I wanted to see if 
this was a known problem or if anyone else could actually do what I 
want to do. It takes about 30 seconds to do. Anyone actually get it 
to work? 

James Gilbert

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