iikura masao wrote:
>> Moreover, if you would like to use the same instrument for several
>> channels, you have to register different instrument name for each
>> channel in Instrument Window, for example, guitar1 for channel 1,
>> guitar2 for channel 2, and so on, but the same MIDI instrument is
>> used for all the channel.
Yes, in the instrument Window I have a different instrument name for each channel, even though they all use the same 'program'.
>>> Richard Yates writes:
>>>> I am struggling with the MIDI tool. I am trying to get Finale to
>>>> playback
>>>> one staff right channel and one staff left channel.
>>>> I have followed the manual and selected 'edit continuous data' and
>>>> then
>>>> selected '10. pan' in the View Continuous Data' db. I then selected
>>>> the
>>>> first staff and 'set to' = 0, then the second staff and 'set to' =
>>>> 127. When
>>>> viewing continuous data by double-clicking the staffs it appears
>>>> that the
>>>> information is in the MIDI tracks.
>>>> However, playback continues to be simple mono.
>>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>>> Richard Yates
>>> Richard,
>>> I think you may have to assign each staff to a different MIDI
>>> channel.
>>> Hal
>>> --
>>> Harold Owen
>>> 2830 Emerald St., Eugene, OR 97403
>>> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Visit my web site at:
>>> http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~hjowen
>>> FAX: (509) 461-3608
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