On 25.03.2003 22:44 Uhr, Paul Hayden wrote

> If you have a multimovement work that you want to print out in
> booklet form (2-up, duplexed, folded and stapled), I assume that
> _all_ the movements must be in one Finale file. I would think that
> Jari Williamsson's "JW Booklet Preparation" plug-in, for example,
> would need to know the total number of pages to be printed in order
> to work correctly.

I guess that this is correct. It seems to me that the length of piece that
can be put into a stapled booklet is not really that large to get too
worried about the file size.
> Secondly, if all of the movements must be in one file, does anyone
> have any suggestions for appending one movement (file) to another
> movement (file)? I've never tried this.

A few problems. The only real way to do this is by copying from one file
into another. This will loose any page formatting, measure expression
assignments, and page text blocks. I also regularly have problems with clef
changes not copying, though there may be a work around.


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