I know some people here have multiple versions of Finale installed and running perfectly well on their Macs. I need to have 2002 and 2003 both on my G4, which I have done, in separate folders, and I moved the registration and preferences to the same directory as the application, for both folders.

But (most people have a big "but", as PeeWee Herman would say) there is a folder called Finale Plugins in my preferences folder, apparently containing preferences for only:

RGP Finale Plugins Prefs
Text Editor 2K1.1.4.7.prefs

which, when I moved it to the Finale 2002 folder, a dialogue box came up the next time I opened Fin 2002 asking me to repeat my preferences for two of the three, and the Finale Plugins folder was re-created in my Preferences folder, apparently ignoring the fact that I had moved it.

Will Fin2003 do this, too, and will the preferences be over-written, or can they share preferences? I dare not try just yet until I get more info.

Also (second big but), whenever I double-click on any Finale file, Fin 2002 always opens, instead of the version that created it, so if I double-click on a 2003 file, I get an error message. Any way around that, other than dragging and dropping onto the Fin 2003 icon, or opening from inside Fin 2003?


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