At 7:13 AM 03/31/03, Matthew Hindson Fastmail Acct wrote:

>Yes, but in Australia it's still 50 years after the composer's death, and
>Bartok died in 1945.
>So putting it on would be OK, I would assume.  Paul, you could
>give APRA or AMCOS a call to make sure.  I'm sure they'd be only too happy
>to help out.

If a work is public domain in Australia but under copyright protection in,
say, France, it is still illegal for an Australian publisher to publish the
work in France without permission.

The Internet complicates this, because it can files posted to the Internet
can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Thus, it might reasonably be
argued that posting on the Internet on an Australian server still
constitutes publication in France. The usual response to this is to have
some sort of warning on the web page where the reader has to acknowledge
that he or she is in a country where it legal before proceeding.  This does
nothing to keep out the reader who is willing to ignore the warning and
download it anyway, but the presumption is that the infringement is then
the responsibility of the reader not the publisher.

So far that has been sufficient, but the law remains unsettled -- and it
could prove different in different countries -- so as a legal precaution
some web publishers are starting to make their gateways a little harder to
jump over.

There isn't much case law yet for international copyright issues resulting
from Internet publishing. With regard to the web publisher's responsibility
to keep material away from those who aren't legally allowed to view it,
most of the precedent is in analogous cases with obscenity law.
(Pornography is the largest category of Internet publishing by far.) Most
pornography sites, even the ones that offer material for free, now require
a password obtained through an independent age-verification agent. I expect
that within a few years a similar scheme will develop for geographic


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