At 03:00 PM 4/2/2003, Thomas Schaller wrote:
>No, I'm talking about the opposite - the problem has nothing to do with
>actual whole rests - I'm talking about making a score/note expression break
>a mutlimeasure rest (a feature added in 2002) - but in some weird cases they
>actually did NOT break a multimeasure rest. (only a few parts were affected
>by that, with no logical cause that I could find)
>Anybody having seen that?

Yes. I sent a bug report to Coda in January -- received back a solution that had nothing to do with the problem, but no confirmation of the bug. In my case, I found that it occurred while I was using WinFin2003a to work on scores which were originally created in WinFin2003 or earlier. I attach below my description of this problem to Coda. I'd be interested to know whether this matches what you're seeing.



Let me try restating the bug I'm reporting, in case I wasn't clear. I have a score with several rehearsal letters inserted as measure-attached expressions. These expressions have their 'Break multimeasure rest' property set to true, so that extracted parts which have rests on either side of the rehearsal letters will break the multimeasure rest in two, displaying the rehearsal letter. I extract the parts, and everything works as expected.

Now I add another rehearsal letter, same as the others, assigned to the same staff list. This staff list is set to display only on certain staves in the score, but on all parts. I extract a part -- specifically, one of the parts for which the rehearsal letters do not display in the score. In the part, in scroll view, all rehearsal letters appear. All these expressions have their 'Break multimeasure rest' property set to true. Yet when I go into page view in the part, the multimeasure rest surrounding the new rehearsal letter is *not* broken -- it's one big mm rest, and the letter does not display.

I did some more testing. I cannot reproduce this problem in new scores created in 2003a, but I can recreate it in several scores which were originally created in 2003 or earlier and with which I am now working in 2003a. In addition, this only happens when the extracted part is one which does not display the expression in the score but which does display it in the part.

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