> Where do I look up things that are found in New Music, like aphormous
> squiggles, a variety of arrows, notehead shapes, things that look like
> "++++++++", markings like "e", "z" "ppppppp",  fractions like 1/32, etc.
> etc. for the purpose of being able to discern whether these are markings
> used by one composer or whether these (and countless other such markings)
> are established and widely used in New Music notation practice?

One of the more interesting ressources I have found is Howard Risatti's "New
Music Vocabulary: a Guide to Notational Signs for Contemporary Music
(Urbana, IL, 1974).  Even if it is starting to get dated where newer music
is concerned, it is still a usefull tool.

It is structured as a dictionary with a good index to refer to any specific
symbol or musical effect, which include varied uses for voice, strings,
woodwinds, brass, percussion, keyboards and harp.  Then each example is
referenced to one or more specific works and/or composer who have used that
symbol in his work.  So the same effect may have been notated in different
ways by different composers, and the book tells you how each composer used
his own particular symbol and in which piece he used it in.

Bernard Savoie

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