----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald M. Krentzman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> One thing to keep in mind is that is very difficult for a conductor to
> any page much larger than 11X17 in performance. Also, it is difficult for
> them to scan such a large vertical space.

    Taking this one step further: 100+ years of evolution when sizes were
able to be flexible led to conductor-score sizes of 11x14 and similar
measurements.  This has the same proportion as letter-size and fits easily
on the music stand and in conductors' briefcases. Most orchestra music can
fit onto 11x14 at a very readable size when a big font like Maestro Wide is
used, and it's easy to observe this on any engraved music prior to computer

11x17 is a sudden new size that is convenient for laser printing and
xeroxing, but it's not a very good size for conductors.  It's easy to
engrave at 11x14.  One way is to print to 11x17 using a big top margin that
can be trimmed.  Another way is to work on letter-size and blow it up later.

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