Richard Huggins wrote:

> I don't know Sibelius, so keep that in mind, but how likely is it that the
> Sibelius rep would conveniently ignore those things that are easier and
> faster in Finale? If he wants to keep his job, VERY likely.

The most unbiased head to head comparison I am familar with between Sibelius and
Finale is in Steven Powell's book, _Music Engraving Today_.  While this is
hampered by the fact that it uses out of date versions of both packages--SIB1.4
and FIN 2k1 or 2k2, Powell writes in some detail about the reasons he finds
Finale to be the superior package for engraving purposes.

The book was published right around the time 2k3 and Sib 2.0 were released, and
promised a updated comparison on Powell's website, but last time I check (and
admittedly it has been at least a couple of months ago, the comparison of the
updated versions had still not been published.

Every instance with which I am familiar in which there was supposed to be a head
to head comparison between the two programs, it has been canceled and I have
been led to believe in every case it was because Sibelius pulled out.


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