At 3:02 PM 06/09/03, Mr. Liudas Motekaitis wrote:

>Sure, it's called Tracking: the distance between characters in
>one-onethousandths of the current point size.

In FinMac2002, tracking is non-functional for lyrics.  It changes their
appearance in the Edit Lyrics box, but it has no effect in the score.  (The
same is true for superscript and baseline shift, but for those there are
other ways of adjusting the vertical position.)

Is this fixed in v2003?  I'd very much like to see tracking implemented for
lyrics.  I'd also like to see it implemented for text expressions, which
would make it easier when I want something like "c  r  e  s  c  e  n  d

As far as I can tell, tracking only works in text boxes.  Even there there
are some peculiarities.  It only functions to change the space between two
characters if the two have the same tracking value.  This means that if
you're using tracking for spot kerning on large display type (which I do),
you're fine until you have two adjacent pairs that you want to tweak, at
which point you can have one or the other but not both unless you move them
identically. I've usually been able to fudge my way around that, but I
remember one French title starting with "L'A..." which I couldn't make look
good. (Of course, this wouldn't be an issue at all if Finale read and
implemented kerning data built into the font, but I suppose that's asking
too much....)

Also, the centering algorithm doesn't take tracking into account, so if
you've got a text block set to center it will come out wonky if tracking is
applied non-uniformly to the text.

All things considered, these are minor complaints compared to various other
requests I'd make, and the tracking that does exist is more useful than
not. Still, it would be nice if it all worked perfectly.


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