You know, I got an odd piece of mail a while ago, which seemed to be a virus report from my server, and I trashed it because it claimed that it was sent by me at 4:30 that morning, but searching my computer showed no trace of any activity at that time, period. I concluded that it was a clever troll, trying to get me to respond or send an email to the address apologising for inadvertently sending a virus, when in reality I never had. I, too am on a Mac, and what tipped me off is that it claimed I was using Outlook Express, and that program has never ever been on this computer.

These spam trollers are getting smart, if they can fool all these knowledgable computer guys. I didn't bother, because I don't know enough, but I can imagine that if I had more knowledge I might have been curious and inquired, only to get my email address added to a list.

I got the same thing, and responded the same way. I too am on a Mac. -- Andrew Stiller Kallisti Music Press
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