The important thing with ossia measures is to make sure that you attach them to one of the existing staves, not to the new staff that will be hidden. An ossia is attached to the staff on which you double click: you are evidently double clicking on the new staff. Here's what you should be doing:

- Add new staff.
- Enter the ossia notes in the new staff.
- Choose ossia tool and double click on one of the original staves.
- The ossia dialog appears.
- At "Source Staff" enter the number of the new staff.
- You may now hide the new staff without making the ossia measure disappear.

Michael Cook

At 7:31 +0100 11/06/2003, Michael Lawlor wrote:
Finale 2002

I think I have been following the instructions on how to create ossia
measures (create new stave, add ossia measures to this stave, then hide the
stave).  The problem is: when I hide the stave, the ossia measures also
disappear.  What am I doing wrong?

Michael Lawlor
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