Brad Beyenhof wrote:

On Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:17 PM, Michael Edwards wrote:

[Brad Beyenhof:]

 > Compound meters have three beats per pulse: 6/8, 9/8, 6/4

      I would have thought proper terminology would be "three
 pulses per beat".
 I learned that the "beat" was the primary unit of rhythm, and
 that you could
 term subdivisions of that "pulses".
      Am I wrong on this?  Or can you have it either way?

I would've thought the same (and I originally had written it that way in my post), but Read calls the large units "pulses" and the small units "beats." I personally don't agree, but as a scholar I just wanted to stay consistent with previous research/publication.

A point of clarification:
In Gardner Read's "Music Notation" (2nd ed. 1969) the author does not seem to refer to pulses but he does call the larger units "beats." The subdivisions are named the actual note length (eighth note or whatever). See chapter 10 on Meter and Time Signatures for example.

-Randolph Peters
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