O vast collective wisdom,

I have recently run across information that leads me to believe that it is possible to set "default positions" for note expressions placed with metatools. Thus far, my note-expression-entering procedure has been:

1) Throw the expressions in semi-haphazardly
2) Move them en masse using Mass Edit > Change > Note Expression Assignments... (I add my preferred position "To default position")
3) Since the notes to which the expressions are attached lie on several different vertical positions, I edit the vertical positioning of each expression manually (Using the Note Expression Assignment dialog).

However, I ran across a web page ( http://www.gwmp.com/BDNotes.htm ) that claims of its first example that "All dynamics were applied as a MetaTool and not touched." These look to me like they are perfectly aligned from the start, not just "semi-haphazardly thrown in" as in my first step.

My other clue that this may be possible lies in the Mass Edit > Change > Note Expression Assignments dialog, with its mention of "add to default position." Is there a way to change the default position of note expressions to something other than (0,0)? And, is there a way to enter note expressions at that default position instead of merely "wherever the mouse pointer is sitting when I click the button"?

TIA for any advice/assistance.

Brad Beyenhof

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