Brad Beyenhof writes:

> However, I ran across a web page ( ) 
> that claims of its first example that "All dynamics were applied as a 
> MetaTool and not touched."  These look to me like they are perfectly 
> aligned from the start, not just "semi-haphazardly thrown in" as in my 
> first step.

I think the WWW page is saying that the result was produced by clicking 
on the notehead's position horizontally, but the vertical mouse position 
was maintained steady while clicking.

> My other clue that this may be possible lies in the Mass Edit > Change 
>  > Note Expression Assignments dialog, with its mention of "add to 
> default position."  Is there a way to change the default position of 
> note expressions to something other than (0,0)?


> And, is there a way to 
> enter note expressions at that default position instead of merely 
> "wherever the mouse pointer is sitting when I click the button"?

TGTools has functions (and even keyboard shortcuts) for aligning 
That's all I can say for now.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
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