On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 04:48 PM, David H. Bailey wrote:

I believe those who upgrade from 2002 pay a higher price --

Not if they enter the promotional code, they don't!

Thanks to the list for alerting me to the code, though -- I would never have noticed otherwise. And clicking on the link from the email did *not* enter the code automatically for me. I had to enter it manually at the checkout phase.

[I don't know if posting the promo code to the list is kosher or not -- I actually don't see why not, since if you're not eligible for the discount the code will do nothing. I will avoid posting it for now, though, just in case. But if anyone's wondering, the code should be near the top right corner of the "Announcing Finale 2004" email you got today.]

I don't think the 89.95 applies to everybody, though, only to those who upgrade from 2003.

Nope. They extended the $89.95 upgrade price to FinMac 2002 customers as well -- which is actually quite a nice gesture, considering how long we've been waiting for an OS X version. I don't know if it applies to FinWin 2002 users, though. Perhaps it does, just to be fair to everyone (or to simplify processing).

Again, if you are a current Mac Fin2002 user, BE SURE TO ENTER THE PROMO CODE BEFORE YOU CHECK OUT. You will save $50!

I find it a bit unfair that having bought 2003 and suffered in OS 9 as a result doesn't get me a better discount than all those 2002 users who DIDN'T pay for 2003. But, hey, it's not my company.

Well, look at it this way -- the price you pay to upgrade from 2003 to 2004 is exactly the same as the price Windows users pay for the same upgrade. Your price was never going to be any less than $89.95. All Coda is doing is making an overture to those disgruntled Mac users (like me) who refused to touch FinMac2003 with a ten-foot pole because it wasn't OS X compatible. As a special exception, they are allowing us to upgrade at the same discounted price even if we skipped Fin2003. So what you are basically asking for here is not an extra discount for yourself (which isn't realistic), but that Coda give the shaft to anyone who didn't upgrade to Finale 2003. [grin]

- Darcy

Boston MA

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