Carlberg Jones wrote wrote, in part:

> :
> MTNA = Music Teachers National Association

to which Phil daily responded, i part

> An how does joining that group certify that my wife is a music teacher
> more than giving 30+ years of piano lessons to 50+ students a week?

prompting Brad Beyenhof to rejoin

> Because there is no way to prove that.  They ask for membership in an
> organization because Coda does not have the time to check up on every
> single request for academic pricing.  Every request must have some
> proof: students need a copy of school ID or school bill, universities
> need an institutional purchase order, etc.

However, I submit that there used to be (and I would guess still may well
be) a way for a private teacher who is not part of MTNA to obtain academic
pricing on the basis of private teaching load.  Obtain it from a local
dealer.  As it happens, at the time I first bought Finale, I was planning to
buy it direct so I could take advantage of theological pricing.  However,
when I was buying the MIDI-equipped digital piano I was planning to use with
the software, a customer came in and stated she had been referred from one
of the other local branches of the same chain, and given instructions to ask
for the "educational co-ordinator", who happened to be waiting on me at the
time.  The EC had been alerted to expect this customer who proceeded to
purchase Finale at the Educational discount, on the strength of this
teacher's previous purchase history for method books and sheet music with
the store.  When the EC completed that transaction and returned to helping
me, I commented that I hadn't realized that academic discounts were
available through local dealers, and asked about the theological discount I
was planning to use to purchase my copy, and based upon the EC's knowledge
that I was involved in the music department of a religious organization, I
was extended the appropriate discount, as well.


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