Good Morning!

Would anyone be willing to share the names of one or more publishers
(eg. Oxford)  of sacred choral music that they feel represent "best
practices" in notation/editing?  I've developed a few preferences on my
own, but have noticed a great diversity in such things as formatting of
metronome markings, use of cautionary accidentals, location/alignment of
dynamic markings, etc.  My interest is primarily SATB arrangements of
traditional hymns and spirituals, acapella or with keyboard.

Thanks in advance.


Dr. Wade Kotter
Social Sciences Librarian
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Stewart Library
Weber State University
2901 University Circle
Ogden,  UT  84408-2901

Voice: 801-626-7458
FAX:  801-626-7045

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