Lawrence Yates writes:

>>So tell me then why it is okay to mispronounce Greenwich as gren-itch?

>because Gren-itch is the correct pronunciation, it's not a mis-pronunciation.

>Green-itch is a mispronunciation. (I'm speaking of courser of Greenwich in
England - if >there is a Greenwich in American that may be different).

>It's like those who call a little town not far from here "Oswald-twistle" The
town is called >Oswaldtwistle - the correct pronunciation is "Ozzletwistle"


The way I've always heard it is Ozz-el-twiss-el (without the T).  I'm not a
Northerner, but surely this was originally a lazy way of saying Os-wald-twis-tle
(maybe even with a T in twistle), and only through unchallenged slackness has it
evolved to become the accepted (I won't say correct) pronunciation.  I daresay
there are people who call it Ozzle for short, and who's to say that won't become
the "correct" name of the place in years to come?

I used to have a friend called Oswald.  Only his mother called him by the full
version - to everybody else he was Ossie.  If we had called him "Ozzle", as in
your version, then everybody would have thought THAT was wrong.  I haven't
checked the derivation of Oswald, but it looks Germanic to me, so maybe it
should be pronounced OsVald.  Who knows for sure?  Nobody can truthfully say
that THEIR pronunciation of a word is the "correct" way.

As for Nu-cu-lar, mispronouncing words in this way seems to me to be quite
similar to poor spelling.  Either the person has learned to say it wrongly from
hearing someone else's mistake, or they have a physical problem reproducing
information they have seen or heard (as in dyslexia or deafness), or maybe
they're just plain sloppy.  I had a neighbour once who used to get hundreds of
words wrong - my favourite was Westminister instead of Westminster.  Her husband
used to try for hours to get her to say words correctly, but she simply could
not hear the difference!


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