Yesterday I tried again to get Finale 2004 (WinXP) to produce EPS or PDF files to import in Quark XPress. I don't want to use pixel formats (TIFF), because I want the output scalable.

First I tried EPS, using different settings and PS drivers. I only got stems without noteheads, keys etc. This also happened when I tried to print a file on my PS printer. And, funny, after I deinstalled the maestro PS font (using Adobe Type Manager), the fonts where there.

Anyway Finale seems not to be able to embed fonts correctly, Ghostscript for example shows lots of bugs and cannot even open a Finale EPS file with embedded fonts.

So I thought about PDF. It's less confortable, but I can change the page size in Finale until I only have the part I want to export on my page and save this page as PDF.

I also can Import the file into QuarkXpress (Version 6, also acrobat pro 6). However the file looks quite ugly on screen, but this may be a problem of my not being very experienced in Quark Xpress.
HOWEVER, when I now printed the Quark Xpress File - the noteheads had vanished again.

So this is serious and very annoying - is there no way to get a scalable vector output out of Finale, even with lots of workarounds? Or is there?


      /|        Kurt Gnos               Tel. /Fax +41 41 320 67 41
     / |_       Hackenrainstr. 6       E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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