On Saturday, September 27, 2003, at 08:30 AM, Michael Onwood wrote:

Importing a.mus file from mac to PC is not some thing I do often. But when I do I more often than not get problems. The Mac file (2k1) is not recognized as a valid file format by my Winfin 2k4. Do any of you get similar difficulties? Am I doing some thing wrong? This particular file was received as an attachment. I have also had problems importing from floppies (2k from earliar versions).

I have had this happen before, and I don't know exactly what caused it either. How are you getting the files to the PC? If it's by email, this may be part of the problem. I have fixed this by saving as ETF before sending.

One other time, what fixed it was simply naming the file with a .mus extension on the Mac before sending the file over. For some reason, since it came to my PC with the extension already on it (don't ask me why) it was better able to interpret it.

Brad Beyenhof

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