Steve Fiskum:

I was just trying to find out the advantage of this practice and not start a feud. Sorry if I offended you.

I would like to hear what people have to say about this practice. David Horne gave his opinion...what do other people think?

And also:
What is the advantage of this practice to the end user? Is there no advantage but just "house style?"

Dear Steve,

I have always preferred just a straight line connecting note-heads for glisses, regardless of accidentals because 1) I'm used to seeing it that way, especially for strings (including harp), timpani, most winds, 2) the wavy line looks too heavy to me and doesn't work for short spaces, 3) in most cases the word "gliss" is unnecessary (except perhaps for keyboard). If the first note of the gliss has a dot, I will still start the line at the note-hear unless is would collide with the dot.

That said, however, The gliss item in the Custom Line Tool is easily edited for all kinds of other uses.


Harold Owen
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