I once played a concert for a particularly odious conductor who, as it happened, had included one of his own compositions, or rather arrangements, in the programme.

The parts were littered with wrong notes.  Being sympathetic souls, we corrected them where they were obvious and asked his advice where they were not.  That is until this nasty piece of work laid into one of our number who was asking for advice on what note she should play, and eventually bawled at us all "Play what's written!"  The principal trumpet asked if that applied for the entire piece and I'm afraid that's exactly what we did in the concert.

In stark contrast was the time I played a premiere for Joseph Horowitz.  He stopped the rehearsal and asked the prinicipal trumpet what note he had played at letter B (or whatever).  The player told him and and Horowitz checked his score.  "Mm", he said, "you have played what I have written and what I have written is not good enough.  Would you be kind enough to change it to......."  A lovely chap.

All the best,


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