At 12:19 AM 10/12/03 -0800, Mark D. Lew wrote:
>At 12:01 PM 10/10/03, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
>>>Is this the same Pamela Z who was in the SF Symphony Chorus about 10 or 12
>>>years ago?
>>I'm not sure. There are two with similar names: Pamela Z and Pamela Zero.
>>Both do vocal work, extended voice.
>The one I remember was a black woman with eccentric hair.  She definitely
>went by the name "Pamela Z".  I knew she had done avant garde vocal work as
>a performer, but I didn't know she was a composer as well.

That's Pamela Z. The eccentric hair was the clue. :)

Sweet lady, brilliant work in extended voice & electroacoustic composition.


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