
Working with a score modeled on the baroque "Concerto grosso" model. In the ms., all instruments are in ordinary score order, falling where they would in an ordinary "Orchestral score".
Nowever, should the "concertino" and "ripineo" groups be considered separate ensembles, and ordered as such in the score?


Do they ever play differing parts at the same time? If so, it would be foolish not to separate them, as I believe I have seen done in most such scores. It makes it much easier for the conductor. I don't have a score handy, but I believe that the concertino is generally placed together at the top of the score.


-- John & Susie Howell Virginia Tech Department of Music Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240 Vox (540) 231-8411 Fax (540) 231-5034 Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ Finale mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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