Finale doesn't have a setting for the space before music just at the beginning of each system. An increased space here makes the music easier to read: you can see this in most high-quality hand engraved music. You can use TGTools to enlarge the space, but of course it would be better if there was a document option that took care of this automatically. I put this on my last list of feature requests and I'll put it on the next one: ask for it as well and maybe MakeMusic will consider putting it on the list of priorities.

Best wishes,

Michael Cook

At 6:58 +0100 7/11/2003, d. collins wrote:
Harold Owen écrit:
In Fin2k3 The space between the clef and the first note or rest is found in Options/Document Options/Notes and Rests: Spacing before Music. My setting is 24 EVPUs or about 0.08 in. The setting for space after clefs is normally 0. I don't think anything you might do would change these settings. It's quite possible that the setting for Spacing Before Music is to low.

Thanks, Hal, for your reply. But I think the setting you mention affects the space at the beginning of each measure, and not between only the clef and the first note (after the clef). Anyway, I opened a couple of scores (Henle, Bärenreiter, Breitkopf), and I notice that there is generally about 4-5 mm between the right side of the bass clef and the left side of the first note (in systems with no key or time signature). Isn't there any way to set the leading space for the first measure of each system?


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