Hi Brian,
Yes, it shows up...
I even checked various options in document options regarding key signatures a.s.o., also different fonts. Maybe a reset of the tie options in document options would help?
Good luck,
Works O.K. in 9.2.2. and also in X-classic.
Op 10-nov-03 om 17:33 heeft Brian Williams het volgende geschreven:

Hi Klaas,

Thanks for checking this out. Could you please confirm that the tie end into
the first note of the second measure shows up even after you move the
measure down into a new system?


From: Klaas de Jong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 10:46:21 +0100
To: Brian Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Finale Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Re: Tie end at beginning of system after key change

I took all the steps mentioned on your mail and:
No problems in my Mac 2k3a.r1-environment...
Op 10-nov-03 om 5:14 heeft Brian Williams het volgende geschreven:

Hello all,

I've reduced the problem I've been having to the following steps.
Would any
of you mind confirming this bug for me? (I'm using Finale 2003a.r1 for

1) Create a new document without libraries and add one measure (2
2) Add a key signature change to Bb in the second measure (the first
should be in C by default)
3) Using any method of entry, enter a whole note Bb in the staff in
1. Tie it to a Bb whole note in measure 2 (after the key change).
4) Confirm with the speedy frame that a tie end appears at the
beginning of
the whole note in measure 2.
5) Using the staff tool, transpose the staff to "Bb (Up M2, Add 2

After doing this, check out the note in bar 2 to see if a tie end from
previous measure exists. I can't get one to appear. This is especially
apparent in page view if the key change happens over a system break.

Does this happen only in the Mac version?

Thanks for your help,

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