Right, the Page Format for Score... sets the default, but the changes made with the menu command in the Page Layout menu actually makes the change for existing or selected pages. Brad, have you contacted HP or MM about this? I would be interested to know the result. Haven't got my 2k4 yet, but it is in transit!!


On Jan 22, 2004, at 7:43 PM, Brad Beyenhof wrote:

It is my understanding that Page Format for Score or Page Format for Parts only applies to *new pages* (i.e. if a four-page score spills onto a fifth page, it will default to the Page Format for Score/Parts).

I did have it set in Page Size (from Page Layout) and the Page Setup.

Brad Beyenhof

On Thursday, January 22, 2004, at 04:16 PM, David H. Bailey wrote:

Aren't there THREE places you have to set the paper size?

In the page layout menu, in the printer selection dialog, and also in the Page Size For Score or Page Size For Parts, if I remember correctly (I usually use the default 8.5x11.)

Brad Beyenhof wrote:
I have an HP LaserJet 4MV, and I can't figure out how to get it to print properly on 9x12 (Concert) paper. I tried editing the "Custom Paper Size" settings in Page Setup, and selected my new Concert paper size. However, it prints very oddly, with approximately an extra inch of margin on the left and an extra 3-3.5 inches on the bottom, cutting off the top and right of the page.
I can be semi-content with choosing "US Legal" in Page Setup and sending the paper through the printer slightly off-center (by 5/8 an inch, as I did in OS 9) to achieve the desired result, but I was hoping that in OS X I wouldn't have to perform this workaround.
Does anyone have an idea how I might be able to do this more easily? Has anyone succeeded in printing on 9x12 paper from OS X? I'm using TCP/IP printing.
Brad Beyenhof

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