Title: Re: [Finale] Spacing and other problems
At 9:12 PM -0500 2/15/04, dr.a.s. weinstangel wrote:
I am running into spacing problems in typesetting cantorial free-improvisational segments in one of my choral works.  
In selected bars I need to space the material in the solo voice independently from the accompanying choir material. “Apply Time signature spacing” gives the best results for the solo voice, but makes the notes and lyrics in the accompaniment voices overlap to the point of unreadability. To make it worse, a click on the solo bar in Speedy entry (or a change in View to 200%) immediately removes the spacing accomplished with the above command. “Space notes evenly in the bar” messes everything up.  Any suggestions?
I have also created black “boxes” with right-hand arrows for the accompanying (repetitive) material, but these are not flexible to allow for different lengths of repeated material in different voices. Do I have to create these in different sizes for every specific occasion, or could they be made to conform to the size of the given material?
Thank you all in advance for your help.

The best way to space cadenzas like cantorial passages is to create a big measure of 64/4 or whatever you need, (hide time sig in Measure Attributes if you need to) then space the choral material so that it shows up at the right place by using hidden rests (in Speedy Entry hit the O (letter oh) key). Then use normal note spacing on the measure, taking lyrics into account. What I usually do is to reduce the size of the notes in the cadenza using the Special Tool to about 75%. I tried making them all grace notes, but they get really weird when you get more than five or six in a row. It also sounds like you need to turn off Auto Space, which may be in a different menu depending on what version of Finale you have.

For the boxes, you didn't say how you created them, but if they are Shape Expressions, assigning them with a Metatool allows them to be individually sized  afterwards (as this method actually creates copies.) Assigning them in the normal way won't allow them to be resized.
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