On 28 Feb 2004 at 17:27, gj.berg wrote:

> Thing of it is -- I think I'm the guilty party -(not of the white
> listing thingy I hasten to add) but Phil Daley replied to my Rim shot
> query and in my return thank you (Thanks Andrew subsequently) I
> noticed it was only going directly to Phil and so threw in the Finale
> address ( I make the same mistake i.e. hitting reply and not-- reply
> all).  I figure it important to show the list that it has been
> answered properly (or improperly) thus saving numerous similar
> replies. I never did see the reply come up but got the slamspam

But I never reply to anything *but* the Finale list (I think it's 
rude and annoying to send both to the list and the original sender, 
because then they get two copies), and I got one of these whitelist 

So, it has nothing to do with replying to both. Keep in mind that the 
whitelist filters would have seen only one of those replies, the one 
sent to the list.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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