On 01.03.2004 6:45 Uhr, Mark D Lew wrote

>> Actually, based on the response on this list (and my own personal
>> reaction), I think it's fair to say that people don't like spam
>> whitelists, PERIOD.  I received *12* junk emails from your
>> "spamslammer" telling me I needed to fill out a form to get on your
>> whitelist.  I think it's very bad policy to try to reduce your own
>> junk mail load by increasing everyone else's.
> I disagree.  This only became a hassle because of how the whitelist
> combined with the Finale mailing list.  When I get a whitelist message
> in response to an individual email I've sent to a specific person, it's
> no big deal.

It just shows that none of these systems is fail-proof.

Again, I am not against anti-Spam software. However, the fact that this
mistake has probably caused more traffic than it has so far prevented does
make me wonder.


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