> Another MIDI question.  What is the best workaround for the playback
> problem, in a string section, of having the whole section go back
> and forth
> from pizz to arco when only one of the sections changes?  When
> the celli or
> basses, for example, have pizz, the whole string section sounds like pizz.

You must dedicate a separate MIDI channel for each string section.  Go to
the Instrument List window and define different instruments for Vln I, Vln
II, Viola, etc., each using a different MIDI channel (even if they use the
same GM string patch).

> I am using a Powerbook G4 400mhz, with 768 mb of memory.  I have
> everything
> else off when I run Finale.  Granted, this is a three-year-old
> computer, and
> not the fastest on the market right now, but this is even less responsive
> than trying to run Digital Performer (which I usually run in conjunction
> with Reason).  Does anyone have any ideas about how I can speed up Finale?
> Automatic Spacing and Automatic Update Layout are both off.  I'm
> working on
> a large orchestral piece, and am about 60 measures into it (the
> file is now
> at about 135mb).

Though I'm on a PC, something is seriously amiss with a file size of 135 MB,
which is undoubtedly what is slowing you down.  I have a large orchestral
piece of 100+ pages and 1000+ measures, and the file size is only 1.1 MB.
Have you tried Remove Deleted Items under Data Check, Save As, or even cut
and paste what you've entered so far into a new doc?


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