
The cautionary accidental plug-in in MacFinale 2004 seems not to work.  I
run it, in an atonal context, asking for accidentals on all flats and
naturals except immediate repetitions, and no parentheses.  It gives me
random parentheses on accidentals, puzzlingly, on new accidentals in a
measure.  It also places, once again randomly, accidentals on some, but not
all, immediately repeated notes.  These mistakes make me question everything
it does.  What is it missing?  What is it adding that I don't catch in
proofreading?  This is such a mess that the plug-in to be much worse than
simply not using it -- since I am required to check everything it does
carefully, looking for odd and inconsistent behavior.

I am copying this note to the Finale listserv -- and I would encourage
anyone reading this to let MacSupport know if you are experiencing similar

Tobias, if you are reading this, could you consider updating your cautionary
accidentals plug in for Mac 2004?  It always worked flawlessly.

David Froom

Finale mailing list

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