I guess it's a copy of the e-mail you sent to the techsupport of MM. David,
I really feel the same as you do. Finale 2004 looked like a great upgrade if
you look at the features and OS X support. Now it has proven to be the
biggest failure ever to come from MakeMusic. I really am worry about the
future of Finale when I see problems of this magnitude. Even the techsupport
team are not empathic with us having real problems with this version (let's
be fair, they communicate more informations than before). If we would listen
to them, only a system with a very specific setup and all the new features
of 2004 off would help get performances that are still unacceptable. We're
almost in May and no trace of eps. When the day will come that I can use
2004 in an acceptable way, 2005 will be out. I am already sure than I will
never use 2004 for real projects if it continues the way I expect it to.
Anyway, I also wrote many times to MM to share my concerns even If I feel
that don't care (don't tell me a word about their commitement to mac

Éric Dussault

On 14/04/04 22:26, "David Froom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As a long time user of Finale (since 1.0) I have to register my EXTREME
> disappointment and displeasure that EPS export for the new Mac 2004 is
> delayed again.  Many of us long-time and professional users (and teachers
> who introduce our students to Finale) rely on EPS export.  For me (as all of
> the above), the disappointment is crushing.  It has caused me to
> dramatically change my working style while keeping things with current
> projects on hold while I wait AND WAIT for EPS.
> I upgraded to 2004 when it was announced, and did so in good faith,
> expecting first that you would meet your release deadline (you missed two),
> and then that you would be good to your word that EPS export would follow in
> an update (we're up to two upgrades now without an EPS fix).
> This, along with substantial speed problems (especially with smart shapes
> and special tools), and glitches in the way smart slurs are drawn when
> accommodating staccati, and crashes when applying articulations too quickly
> -- all of this has me reconsidering my relationship with Finale.  For the
> first 16 years of my being a Mac-Finale user, there have been no real
> options.  Now there are.  I would hate to have to switch to Sibelius.  I am
> not alone in saying that I am considering this now for the first time.
> All of this is a crying shame, since, in many ways, Finale 2004 is the best
> version of Finale yet produced.  I do like using it, generally speaking --
> but every time I have to work around one of the program shortcomings I
> mentioned above, especially when these workarounds cost me time, I feel
> cheated by you.  Finale 2004 for Mac feels and acts like a beta version.
> long-term survival interest that you address these issues NOW.
> David Froom
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