I have never used the DS al CODA feature. It is so easy to just copy and paste.


Christopher BJ Smith wrote:
> At 11:10 AM -0400 6/02/04, Giz Bowe wrote:
> >I'm doing arrangements for a soul band horn section. What I want to
> >do is have the coda section start a new system -- no problem, just
> >check "begin new system" in the measure dialogue box. What I also
> >want to do, however, is indent that line, and place the coda symbol
> >to the left, even with the staff. This would be easier for my guys
> >to read. I can set this up in the score, but it doesn't happen when
> >I extract parts. I'm trying to save adjusting each individual part
> >-- gotta conserve those keystrokes!
> >
> You can place the coda sign in the score, and it will show up
> probably to the left of the staff when the parts are extracted
> (unless you come up against that stupid re-positioning of repeat
> texts "feature" that has plagued Finale since I started using it,
> which is why I have created Measure Expression repeat symbols that
> stay where I put them).
> But there is probably no alternative to dragging the right side of
> the staff left on every part to indent it once it is extracted. The
> alternatives (laying out a part, then copying the music from the
> other parts into it) are more complicated, as you would have to go in
> and change titles, transpositions, and who knows what else in the new
> part.
> Here is where I got that procedure from, if you ever need it. It was
> written by Lee Monroe, from Express Music services, and he posted it
> on the web. On long parts or parts with complex layout problems, or
> sections (like 4 trumpets that always play at the same time) it is
> great, and saves me mucho hours. It might help you out with your
> mixed horn group.
> Christopher
> Express Music Extraction Process
> You must initially extract a part with the normal Finale extraction
> process; Flute 1 as an example.  Bring this file up and set it up
> exactly the way you want it.  Title information, page margins, system
> spacing, etc...
> A note about page margins, Express uses the margins strictly to contain
> the music, all of the title information should actually be outside the
> page margins.  That way the title information (text tool)  will always
> move relative to the page margins and you can then adjust the music
> systems to the edge of the margins (make sure that you have "avoid
> margin collision" checked in the page layout drop down menu) without
> being concerned that it will interfere with the page title information
> (this applies to every page). If you can master this, you will go a long
> way in avoiding clashes between the music and title information.
> Once you have extracted the first part and set it up exactly the way you
> want, then you are ready to begin the process.  You should have two
> files open 1) the original full score and 2) the original extracted part
> (Flute 1 in this example).  I like to have both windows visible with the
> score file on the right one third of my screen vertically, the part file
> shows vertically on the remaining two thirds of the screen - mind you I
> have 21" screens at work & at home so this works out great.  Another
> method to go back and forth between the files is to use control "W"
> <ctrl+w>, the drop down "Window" menu will appear and you then choose
> the number of the file you want to see (Ashley is a true master of this).
> You will be pasting from the score to the parts and then saving them as
> the new instrument, but you must be careful to follow this procedure
> exactly or there is great potential for problems.
> Here goes.
>     1.
>        From the file menu, do a <save as> and save your part under the
>        new file name (let's say Flute 2)
>     2.
>        Go to Scroll View
>     3.
>        With the Mass Mover Tool - highlight the extracted part (target)
>        and backspace, or Clear key of you are on a Mac (if you are in
>        2000 or higher, you will also need to use the Staff Tool -
>        highlight all and backspace as well).  This will eliminate all the
>        information relative to that instrument but preserve global
>        information (score expressions, page text tool entries)
>     4.
>        Go to the Edit Menu and uncheck Special Part Extraction (in 2000
>        and later this is not used in the Finale extraction process)
>     5.
>        With the Mass Mover Tool - highlight the appropriate line in the
>        score file (source) and copy to the clipboard by using the Control
>        C copy command <ctrl+c>
>     6.
>        With the Mass Mover Tool - highlight the target file (Flute 2 file
>        as an example) and use the Control V paste command <ctrl+v>.  This
>        will paste the information (notes, staff, expressions, lyrics,
>        etc...) from the source file to the target file.  This DOES NOT
>        transfer Score Expressions (measure attached expressions) or Page
>        attached text block information.  A note when pasting Lyrics, you
>        must eliminate any lyrics from the target file before pasting
>        lyrics from another file because these lyrics will stack on to the
>        existing lyrics as new additional verses and will probably have
>        their baselines altered.
>     7.
>        With the Staff Tool (treble clef) - double click on the target
>        file to bring up the Staff Attributes menu.  Change any
>        appropriate information (Clef, transposition, independent
>        elements, notation choices, etc...).
>     8.
>        With the Staff Tool - highlight the target staff and then click on
>        the Edit Menu.  Check the Special Part Extraction.  A Window will
>        pop up - hit return.
>     9.
>        Use the Page Layout Tool to make any adjustments necessary to your
>        target file.  Make sure to change the Instrument title on the
>        front page as well as all subsequent pages.
>    10.
>        Lastly, you need to save, use the <ctrl+s> command.  Repeat this
>        process for all the remaining parts.
> This is a brief overview of our extraction method, there are still cases
> where it is easier to use the Finale extraction process because of
> special conditions for a part (lots of clef changes, or independent
> elements, etc...).  You probably will need to have some experience with
> Finale to get around using this method.
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