Christopher BJ Smith wrote:

This issue has come up before on this list, and there were a whole bunch of things discussed that I couldn't understand because I have little programming experience, but here is my main objection:

What would happen to the layout of the parts when you made a change to the score, if parts inherited changes automatically? For instance, what if you changed a former eight-measure rest in one part (takes up about 2 inches of a system) to eight bars of sixteenth notes (takes up 2 or 3 systems?) What about time signature changes? The only possible way to manage this is to have all system adjustments and page breaks in the parts disappear when you make a change, and this is exactly the same as re-extracting the part. What about the myriad things that are placed in one way in the score, but have to be nudged in the parts to avoid collisions? Would parts inherit nudges made in the score? That would be a pain. WOuld the score inherit nudges made in the parts? If not, it's exactly like it is now,and you would have to make nudges in BOTH, which is what you are trying to avoid.

I'd say that the linking would be strictly for notes. If you change the time signature, then yes it should change all the related parts. And it probably would change the layout.

How often do you have to nudge things in the score only? Last couple of scores I did I haven't had to do that.

BUT, IMHO, there is no real way to avoid different things in parts and score, as the criteria are different. For example, I often use beat spacing in scores, but note spacing in parts. This changes the placement of all kinds of things, and how could you expect the parts to logically inherit any placement changes you made to the score?

No, I think a linking of certain items would be great. Kind of like how Dynamics are now, you can individually place them, or have them be all the same. If you could decide what you want to be linked that would be cool. I'm mainly concerned with notes.

Someone mentioned that SCORE did this. Maybe they can explain how it works with that program and if it is a useful feature or not. _______________________________________________
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