At 5:35 PM -0700 6/04/04, Eric Dannewitz wrote:
Christopher BJ Smith wrote:

Once again, my little copying routine that I noted is so easy, that I can hardly imagine justifying the kind of rewriting it would take to accomplish linking ONLY notes in Finale. And doesn't anyone edit anything else?

But if you find yourself doing this a LOT, wouldn't you think that there ought to be an easier way to do it? And yes, people do edit other things, but if this linking was done right it would be slick.

Well, I have a couple of macros to accomplish it. Mostly I want to keep control. I re-extract when I see the need, and use the routine I outlined when it would create less work.

No, I'm not saying for Finale to start TELLING you what to do. I hate that as well, but it would make a lot of sense to be able to have a score with related parts that are linked at a user defined degree. Think of it like a relational database. You might think an Excel datasheet works for everything, and when someone proposes to "relationalize" your data, you might think "what's the point", but in the bigger picture it makes a whole lot more sense, and I think the next step in Finale would be to do this.

You know, this is what I was referring to when I mentioned experienced programmers seeming to see things that I don't. I don't understand the term "relational database." Maybe if I did, I would "get" what all you guys want out of Finale.

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