Hi all,

The problem is that the articulations wind up on top of each other. My method is to add the first articulation (various methods); then run a macro which alters the vertical position of the first set -- via Mass Edit, Change Articulation Assignments -- by 36 evpu's; then add the second articulation.

Dan Carno

At 01:09 PM 6/25/2004, Brad Beyenhof wrote:

On Friday, June 25, 2004, at 08:39  AM, Stan Lord wrote:

Remember how we can select a whole swathe of notes with the articulation tool and then select (say) an accent, and every note has an accent on it? Wonderful!! Have you ever tried to add another articulation (to the same notes) in the same way? Doesn't work for me. All that happens is the initial articulations are highlighted.
So I have to apply the second ones individually.

Is there any way of doing this, I wonder?

Sure - use metatools. Hit Shift-<letter/number> to choose which articulation you'd like to set for that particular key. Then, hold the key while dragging around a group of notes, and it's added to all of them regardless of whether there are other articulations already present.

Brad Beyenhof

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Daniel Carno
Music Engraving Services
Quality work in Sibelius, Finale, Score and Igor
4514 Makyes Road
Syracuse, New York 13215
(315) 492-2987

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