In response to a query from Dean, Allen wrote :

Nab a USB Zip100 drive at Wal-Mart (or your favorite computer store) for
$35-40. Plug that into your iMac and read all of your old Zip disks. You
might find the portable Zip handy for other uses as well (I know I did)

to which Dean responded, in part

If I do purchase a USB drive (again, my inexperience will
become evident here), which port do I plug it into on the iMac?  Does
Walmart really carry that sort of stuff?

to which I might add, it doesn't matter which USB port one plugs into; it is plug and play, hot-swappable [that is, you can plug it in, and unplug it without powering down] technology. As to whether Wal Mart carries this stuff, it is my experience that the further in the wilds one is, the more computer stuff Wal Mart carries. Urban stores, such as here in Dallas, carry a little; rurul stores, like 120 miles north in Durant, OK, carry a much wider selection of computer stuf.

BUT, for my money, unless time is crucial, I'd first check the iomega on-line store; remanufactured USB-ZIP 100's sell at a discount, with new warranty. But you might also consider different back-up technology; ZIP-250's will read ZIP 100 disks, and my preference would probably be to go to a USB CD-RW drive at this point.


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