Darcy James Argue wrote:

Hi John,

Your beige G3 can communicate quite easily with your TiBook, and the different OS's are simply not a problem. There are any number of options (some of which have been discussed already):

1) Connect them directly with an Ethernet crossover cable, then connect via AppleTalk or TCP/IP.

2) Connect them each to an Ethernet hub or router, then connect via AppleTalk or TCP/IP.

3) If the computers are already hooked up via Ethernet to your university network (which I assume they are), you can skip (1) or (2) because they are already connected to the same network, and you can just mount your G3's HD on you PB via AppleTalk or TCP/IP.

Well, I think you need to have Filesharing ON to do this. It's not on by default. In OS 9 and 8, you have to use the FileSharing Control Panel. I forgot to mention this in my reply to his question as well.

4) If you can't figure out how to get AppleTalk or TCP/IP working, there are probably public folders on your university's server that you can copy your files to, and access from both computers.

This is a good idea as well.

5) Assuming both computers have Ethernet access, email the files to yourself as attachments.

Messy, but it would work as well....

6) Buy an inexpensive FireWire PCI card for the beige G3, get an external FireWire HD, and transfer the files using that.

Excellent idea. Also would get one into making backups of their valuable files.....

7) Buy an inexpensive USB card for the beige G3, and use USB flash cards. Or an external USB CD burner. Or a USB ZIP. Or even (not recommended, but possible) a USB floppy drive. Any USB device, really.

Or USB hard drive. A lot of enclosures come with Firewire and USB now....

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