Christopher BJ Smith writes:

>  From what harpists have told me, it is seldom necessary to mark 
> pedalling, as you should just notate the pitches and the harpist will 
> take care of the pedalling. If you are writing an educational piece 
> or an etude, then of course that is an exception.

But for glissandi or similar things, you have to either put the pedals 
position there or put all notes of the first octave in the "glissando 

> 1) the easiest, and the one that I see harpists around here use when 
> they need to mark up a part, is to write the only the pedal changes 
> as note names - D#,Eb for example means change the D pedal to D# and 
> the E pedal to Eb, other pedals stay in the same position as before. 
> They are always written in left-to-right order DCBEFGA, with the 
> untouched pedals left out.
> Now that Finale lets you mix fonts in text expressions, this method 
> is REAL easy now. Before it was a kludge to get the sharps and flats 
> in properly.

The Engraver Harp Text font included in Finale is intended for harp 
pedaling names, without the need to change font. It also includes the 
required "dividers" for left/right foot.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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