At 3:08 AM -0500 7/17/04, Richard Huggins wrote:
 > From: Darcy James Argue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 I absolutely agree with John.  I read your explanation (w/diagram) and
 still couldn't make head nor tail of it.  I can't imagine this section
 going well in rehearsal if you leave it as you describe.  Just write it
 out for everyone, without the repeat.

I'm sorry it was so obtuse! There's a reason I had to do it this way but it's somewhat involved to explain, so forgive me that, but here is what I sent privately to John:

This is a TTBB adaptation of an SATB anthem. The road map must be exact,
because the accompaniment, orchestration, etc. is played from the SATB. I'm
also the arranger, and in the particular section in question I was
specifically asked to give the repeats some variety in part-writing, as
previous and subsequent sections are almost identical to this one. In this
case, the best way to do this was to put all the men in the tenor clef for
one repeat (singing certain parts) and then in the bass clef on the repeat
(singing different [i.e., higher] parts). To do it any other way would
require extending the measure count, which I can't do.

I've done what I should have done in the first place, which is to post the
segment in question on the web at this link:
<> I have left the rests in the
unused measures, as seems to be the opinion so far. I hope the graphic
clears up what I was talking about. Thanks.

Richard Huggins

There ARE ways around your measure count problem. If you were to write it all out, you could change the measure number region so that the first time the measures were numbered 43-44-45-46 (no change required), then the second passage 43a-44a-47-48 or possibly 43(2)- 44(2)-47-48 (insert the 2-measure region, then displace the third region by two measures.) I assume that the measure with "Behold" in it is bar 48 in your original. You could even write a bracket over bar 45 and bar 47 indicating that those were the 1st and 2nd endings on the original, for rehearsal purposes.

But the solution you came up with will work too. It's not optimum, but how often are adaptations of previous works optimum?

BTW, on another unsolicited topic, you can force Finale to space bar 44, tenor staff, correctly. The flat should be on the left of the whole stack. Finale 2003 will not space seconds between layers correctly when there is more than one note on a stem, but you can fool it by doing this: Remove the Db from the stems-up part, then note-space the measure. The Gb should show up correctly now. Make sure auto spacing is OFF, and add the Db back in. Don't respace the measure from now on. Ta dah!

Good luck.

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