At 05:00 PM 7/28/04, you wrote:
Now I don't understand. I thought you said it wasn't the first measure in
the staff. Why is there a key sig? Did you click "Display clef after
barline"? Switch it off.

I wrote that this measure follows an invisible measure, which I'm using to indent the staff, making this measure the first visible measure in the staff. That's why I want a key sig & clef.

It definitely works here. Try step by step again:

Select the clef tool. Make sure there is no selection, not even the measure
you want to change. Then _double-click_ the measure. In the dialog select
"Show clef: always". You can select the correct size for your purpose. Make
sure "Place clef after barline" is _off_.

Doing this places the clef at the end of the measure instead of the beginning. Checking "Place clef after barline" puts the clef AFTER the key sig.

If you want your clef before the key sig, but after the barline - sorry,
that's not possible.

That's what I'm coming to understand. I must be the only one to need a clef properly placed after a key sig with a measure that's not the first in the staff.

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