> > Ok..... after much fumbling about (I'm really technologically
> > challanged,  I got the file moved to the correct folder (called
> > 2004b), and it opens ok.  Then when I tried to use the User's Manual,
> > I got the same kind of message, so I repeated the process, and got it
> > to work also. I wonder why all this file placement didn't happen
> > automatically when I downloaded the 2k4c installer.
>    Now,  when I open a new file, I am getting a message about "no font
> annotation files were found for your default specified music font."
> See user's manual....etc.  Have any clues on this one?
> The haze is beginning to clear somewhat, but man......

Same answer. Look in Program Options - folders, again. There is a folder
assigned for all of the font annotation files. These are files whose names
end in '.fan' . They are around somewhere and the pointer needs to know
where. (They are probably near to where you found those other strayed

Richard Yates

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