On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 16:15:40 -0400, Neal Gittleman
> Brad:
> For me, the hybrid CD alone will be a Godsend as I intend to buy a Mac
> soon (whenever the G5 Powerbooks come out) and I'll be glad not to have
> to deal with two separate pieces of software.
> Me:
> Just before I bought my 15" G4 PowerBook (with which I am extremely
> happy and on which FinMac2k4c works -- knock-wood fine and fast), I
> consulted with a friend of mine, a retired Mac salesman, who
> continually keeps his finger on the Apple pulse.  He said that there
> ain't gonna be no G5 PowerBooks...  that the G5 chip generates way too
> much heat for the laptop chassis to handle.  Now, he may be wrong, but
> he isn't wrong often, and given how sensitive the G4 PowerBooks are to
> the heat they generate, his claim certainly seems plausible...
> That's not to say that there won't be more PowerBooks, or G6
> PowerBooks, or even G5 PowerBooks.  But you might be waiting a while...

Point taken. Let's just say that I intend to wait at least until the
PBs come with OS X 10.4 pre-installed.

As much as I really want an Apple, I don't really *need* one until I
go to graduate school (which will be another year or two). So, while I
don't relish the thought of waiting, I have some time if needs be.

Brad Beyenhof
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