Hi Neal,

Due respect, but your friend is dead wrong. Of course there will be G5 PowerBooks. Steve Jobs had originally said "by the end of 2004" but IBM has had a lot of trouble on the manufacturing end, so that's likely no longer in the cards. But there will certainly be G5 PowerBooks sometime in 2005 (possibly even at January's MacWorld, although that's an optimistic prediction). It is true that *current* G5's generate a lot of heat, but believe me, IBM is hard at work on a mobile-capable version of the G5. The G4 was originally considered to run much too hot to ever put in a notebook computer as well -- obviously, that turned out not to be the case.

Also, there will be no more revisions of the G4 PowerBooks. The current 1.5 GHz G4 models are the end of the line.

The redesigned G5 iMac will be announced soon, in a very small, almost notebook-like enclosure. I expect G5 PowerBooks will be out within 6-8 months after the G5 iMac's debut. It is inconceivable that Apple would go much longer than that with the pro chip (the G5) in their consumer line (iMac) but not their pro notebook line.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 16 Aug 2004, at 04:15 PM, Neal Gittleman wrote:

For me, the hybrid CD alone will be a Godsend as I intend to buy a Mac soon (whenever the G5 Powerbooks come out) and I'll be glad not to have to deal with two separate pieces of software.

Just before I bought my 15" G4 PowerBook (with which I am extremely happy and on which FinMac2k4c works -- knock-wood fine and fast), I consulted with a friend of mine, a retired Mac salesman, who continually keeps his finger on the Apple pulse. He said that there ain't gonna be no G5 PowerBooks... that the G5 chip generates way too much heat for the laptop chassis to handle. Now, he may be wrong, but he isn't wrong often, and given how sensitive the G4 PowerBooks are to the heat they generate, his claim certainly seems plausible...

That's not to say that there won't be more PowerBooks, or G6 PowerBooks, or even G5 PowerBooks. But you might be waiting a while...


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