Sorry not to be clear/complete.  It was late...

This problem may be old news for many of you, but it's new to me.

I've just started using Word as my word processor after years of using WordPerfect. I just did a test to see how smoothly .EPS import into Word and how they look on-screen.

How smoothly?  Very.

How do they look? Wrong. The music fonts don't turn up as they're supposed to (regardless of whether they're in Petrucci or Maestro). These tests were of .EPS files that do work just fine when imported into WordPerfect and into page layout programs. If the files are OK (and they include the font, plus a TIFF display version), why isn't Word displaying them properly???


What Computer Platform? Mac G4 PowerBook What Operating System version? 10.3.4 What version of Word? Mac 2004 v.11.0 What version of Finale? .EPS files created with FinMac 2k3.r1

On the Mac side, The quality of the EPS preview was downgraded significantly in Finale 2004. I use Finale EPS's in Word and up till then had found them very readable on screen. In 2004 they are awful.

It's not a question of awful quality, it's like Maestro/Petrucci aren't installed -- ae's instead of noteheads, etc. (And Maestro/Petrucci ARE available to Word -- listed in the font list, and I've used 'em for some music symbols in text...


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